Designed exclusively for the Stokke Xplory, this practical bag provides approximately 30 litres of space for shopping and all of those little bits and pieces you pick up along the way. Features include an expandable mesh pocket and a convenient carrying handle. Available in the same great colors as our stroller collection. The shopping bag has been upgraded with clips that attach directly onto chassis with serial numbers 102AA0331324 or higher. The upgraded shopping bags will not be attachable to older Stokke® Xplory® chassis.
Designed exclusively for the Stokke Xplory, this practical bag provides approximately 30 litres of space for shopping and all of those little bits and pieces you pick up along the way. Features include an expandable mesh pocket and a convenient carrying handle. Available in the same great colors as our stroller collection. The shopping bag has been upgraded with clips that attach directly onto chassis with serial numbers 102AA0331324 or higher. The upgraded shopping bags will not be attachable to older Stokke Xplory chassis.